Health Blog

News and helpful articles

How to Prevent Colds and Flu

A Practical Guide for Staying Healthy All Season As the colder months approach, so does the season of sniffles, coughs, and that all-too-familiar feeling of fatigue that signals a cold or flu may be on the way. Colds and flu can range from mildly annoying to downright debilitating, but there are plenty of ways to […]

Is it a health trick or treat?

True or False? In the world of healthcare we are fed a huge diet of conflicting information and it’s difficult to sift out the tricks from the treats! We’ve compiled some common health myths to help you understand what’s correct and what’s a load of codswallop! See if you can guess what’s a trick or […]

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How to boost your immune system

How to boost your immune system: 10 effective strategies In our ever-changing world, maintaining a robust immune system is of paramount importance. Your immune system is your body’s natural defence against pathogens and illnesses, and there are numerous ways to strengthen it naturally. As we approach the winter months and cold and flu becomes more […]

How to get rid of a cold

Everyone wants to know how to get rid of cold but the truth of the matter is it’s quite challenging to do alone. With same-day appointments, we can help you feel better quickly:   BOOK GP APPOINTMENT   As the temperature drops and the leaves start to fall, cold and flu season makes its unwelcome […]

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Everybody gets stressed. It’s a natural response your body has to challenges or threats. It tends to happen when we feel like we are in a situation we can’t control. A small amount of stress can usually help us complete tasks or drive us to push ourselves further. However, high levels of stress over a […]


Good, bad, high, low, total, score, ratio – the world of cholesterol is a complicated one. However, since cholesterol plays such a key role in cardiovascular health, isn’t it time we brushed up on our cholesterol awareness?

Is your cervical screening overdue? It’s time to book a smear test!

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Following on from Diabetes, another common condition affecting our more senior population is high blood pressure. We answer those important questions that many people have, including, “What’s a normal blood pressure, and what is high?”, and “Why is my doctor so concerned about high blood pressure?!”

Getting Ready for September

Tips to Stay Healthy, In Shape, and Mentally Fit Post-Summer As the lazy days of summer gradually give way to the crisp mornings and busier schedules of September, it’s easy to feel a bit overwhelmed. The transition from summer relaxation to the structured rhythm of autumn can be a challenge, but it’s also an opportunity […]

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Mental health in the heat: Strategies to stay cool and calm

As the temperatures rise, so can our stress levels. Whether it’s a sweltering summer day or an unexpected heatwave, the heat can significantly impact our mental health. It’s not just physical discomfort we face; extreme heat can exacerbate feelings of anxiety, irritability, and exhaustion. Here are some effective strategies to stay cool and calm to […]

What is Vitamin D? Understanding the Sunshine Vitamin

Welcome to the sunny side of health! Today, we’re diving into the world of vitamin D, often dubbed the “sunshine vitamin.” It’s not just another letter in the alphabet soup of nutrients; it’s a key player in keeping you healthy and happy. But what exactly is vitamin D? Why do we need it? And how […]

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